The Nigger in the ‘nigger’ Syndrome
Mutope Duguma
October 2015 revised 01/01/2019
The ‘Nigger’ in the ‘nigger’ syndrome is a disease that has been cultivated in the psyche of New Afrikans (i.e; Blacks) who for years have been morally compromised to the point of demoralization where they/we lose just about every sense of our morality. I believe that the only way to morally destroy a people is to take away their sense of understanding, of what is right and wrong. This deprives them of moral conduct which leads to being principled, righteous men and women.
The ‘Nigger in the nigger syndrome’ is about understanding that this word‘nigger’ has a serious reason for its usage. Which is to demean, devalue, degrade and dehumanize Afrikan/ New Afrikan People, no matter where they exist in the world. It is a weapon used to manifest behavior in these targeted human beings.
We now see the ‘Nigger in the nigger syndrome’ being carried out as a lifestyle in all groups to some degree. Proving that these are not mere derogatory terms, but instead, are a malignant social and psychological orientation and indoctrination that conditions you inside the many subcultures, ghettos, barrios, trailer parks, and rural, impoverished communities, where people are subjugated, marginalized and exploited to be dysfunctional, mentally diseased, immoral.
It’s important to reflect on how you, the individual use the term nigger or nigga, even if it’s briefly, in association with your actual behavior. The‘Nigger in the nigger syndrome,’ is conditioning tied to a malignant social disorder where those who use the word “nigger” do so openly with pride.
We can go all the way back to the slave plantations where our ancestors were domestically colonized, and the word ‘nigger’ was used to dehumanize. Since that time, we have struggled with our identity as a people as we resisted numerous derogatory terms throughout our New Afrikan historical origins since 1619, where the following terms were used to identify us as a people: nigger, negro, colored, black, Afro-American and Afrikan Amerikan.
We would have these terms linger throughout our struggles in the United States that would exacerbate our identity crisis as a people. Through our own social, political and ideological development we would identify ourselves based on our historical contradiction in racist Amerika. In 1968, the term New Afrikans was coined or formulated by political (nationalist) theoretician for the purpose of scientifically basing and defining
the actual national identity of our people, who comprise a subjugated nation (i.e., domestic colonized nation).
The term ‘nigger’ would be used in oppressed communities throughout Amerika, while at the same time, glamorized in the Blaxploitation movies, where most of the infamous celebrities would use this derogatory term, making it socially and culturally acceptable, by providing a functional application as to how a ‘nigger’ should act, think and look, which in my personal opinion was part of the conditioning of our people around a malignant social disorder, that led to the dysfunctional behavior and demoralization so prevalent among us today.
When you see or hear people who suffer from the ‘Nigger in the nigger syndrome, they have no moral compass for the most part. Case and point: In a discussion with some Brothers who are possessed with the ‘Nigger in the nigger’ syndrome, I asked why we don’t look down on pimping when the pimp is the predator that preys on young teenage girls and women? Their responses demonstrated that they were very misogynistic toward women. To accept the Pimp Culture means that we do not value the women in our family and extended community. Any time we embrace something as a lifestyle, it becomes part of our culture, and if it’s malignant, then it becomes a detriment to us as a people. The ‘Nigger in the nigger’ syndrome accepts just about anything immoral, foul, disgusting because they have been demoralized.
Therefore, the very word Nigger has manifested inside the user of the word Nigger that accepts a lifestyle that is immoral. Even in our contradictions as so called ‘gangstas’ we rejected the ‘pimp,’ because we knew, he or she was a predator on our women folks in particular. When did we start hating women? Is it that we have been dehumanized so badly that we cannot regain our humanity? The Nigger in the Nigger syndrome is a disease because it has demoralized many of us as a people and it has to be diagnosed in all of us who have been compromised by this disease. The first step to being diagnosed is to understand that your use of the word ‘nigger,’ casually, whether it’s an endearment from your perspective or not, represents everything we are not, as a people.
Most of our oppressed people in and out of prisons have no consciousness of the dehumanizing aspect of the word Nigger because most are unfortunately unaware of the ‘Nigger in the nigger,’syndrome!!! Take or make a moral assessment of yourself and reclassify yourself as New Afrikans which will be a reflection of our new morality.
One Love, One Struggle, Mutope Duguma